Steve Foster

Web, Marketing, & Technology Troubleshooter. Steve lives in Ottawa, Canada. Husband. Father of 2. DIY Enthusiast. Digital Health Advocate. Tech Nerd. Champion for underdogs, startups, local business & digital health companies. (Aspiring) Polymath. Steve is passionate about the mindset & mechanics of marketing, influence, sales, & strategy.

How To Implement The Dream 100 Strategy to Grow Your Business

You’ll always have many more “great clients” than “dream clients” – but dream clients will make up 60%–80% of your revenue. It’s the 80/20 rule in action: “80% of your results come from only 20% of your clients.” The Dream 100 Sales Strategy (created and made popular by the late Chet Holmes) is a more

How To Implement The Dream 100 Strategy to Grow Your Business Read More »

marketing tech digital marketing

Funnel Reboot with Glenn Schmelzle

Many people get intimidated by today’s fast-moving technology for business. Lots of companies claim to offer ‘easy’ and ‘powerful’ solutions but the reality doesn’t always match up. Easy or free usually means limited. Powerful usually means complicated and expensive. But that’s not always true. I got together with fellow marketer Glenn Schmelzle to look under

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